The Rittenhouse trial is such a beautiful example of why media trust is at an all time low. The media says shit like "Kyle shot Rosenbaum after he threw a plastic bag at him.", acting as if all it took for kyle to shot him was a plastic bag, misframing/mischaracterizing the situation and completely IGNORING the fact that he yelled "If I catch you I'm going to fucking kill you!". Never mind the tidbit that Rosenbaum was a *literal* fucking pedophile.

Too many people were invested in this case and actually watched the trial instead of just reading the occasional headline, and now a LOT more people are seeing the hypocrisy and outright misinformation being spewed from the major news organizations.


"Never mind the tidbit that Rosenbaum was a *literal* fucking pedophile."

irrelevant to the case, what's relevant is if rosenbaum attacked rittenhouse
and there are so-called pedophiles who are patriots and trump supporters

@basilisk Irrelevant? Yes and no. At the time, Rittenhouse couldn't have known any of their backgrounds. In retrospect though, it is important to note their history and criminal/violent inclinations, as it shows that had Kyle *not* shot, they absolutely would've used his own gun against him.

Did Rosenbaum attack? He did lunge for Kyle's gun and - shortly before that - yell "If I catch you I'm going to fucking kill you", which, while not /physical/ assault (aka battery) does qualify as assault legally *1.

"-and there are so-called pedophiles who are patriots and trump supporters"

Fair point, although the political affiliation of Rosenbaum isn't part of the question/equation though. Pedophiles on either side should be condemned and jailed, same as criminals.



"Pedophiles on either side should be condemned and jailed, same as criminals."

absolutely not

being a pedophile implies no crime or any action committed, it is a mental attitude or a proclivity

people should be jailed in some cases if the commit acts that harm other people and are also crimes

@basilisk When I say "Pedophile", I mean those who HAVE harmed kids, or are actively seeking to do so. I don't mean those who realize it's wrong and wish to seek help, or know enough not to harm or be creepy to kids.

So in a way, we're in agreement.


then you have a problem with definitions which is probably based on a problem with facts

pedophiles do not harm kids, nor are they "creepy" to kids, many kids are "creepy" to adults

no are pedophiles actively seeking to harm kids

nor is it wrong,

nor should anyone seek help for something that is healthy and good

when you know more you will realize this

@basilisk Before I address those other points, Imma stop you right there chief. What do you mean "[Pedophilia] is healthy and good"?


"What do you mean "[Pedophilia] is healthy and good"?"

your question displays are wholesome desire to learn

what do you mean by pedophilia as being harmful?

@basilisk It traumatizes kids and fucks them up for life. Are you memeing or are you actually dead serious here?


"It traumatizes kids and fucks them up for life"

you are not really answering the question, just restating it

try again to describe how this harm occurs specifically

have you seen personally any kids who were thus traumatized?

have you seen any adults who were fucked up for life by what you call pedophilia?
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