
@matrix California needs to be reformed very badly. Hopefully the far left can be defeated. It is so stupid in California, that I want to leave California and go to Texas. And besides, California is filled with people who are so promiscuous because there are scared of "slut shaming" to the point where people are walking STDs. And the thing I hate most about California is f****** Hollywood and LA. Hollywood is filled with pedophiles and LA is filled with criminals and people who will attack you violently just because you don't agree with them. I live in Sacramento, however I have to deal with annoying false opinions from idiots who believe everything in the news. I'm tired of California because everything is a Donald Trump version of the satanic panic. And because I am Hispanic (also native American) , I often get stupid remarks from people saying that "oh I'm going to get deported" and I also get stupid remarks from people saying that "oh Henry you're going to get deported!" And when I explained to them that I was born here in America and my family was born here in America and then I am a legal citizen of the United States and that I won't get deported they get pissed off and mad and then they called me a race traitor. I even have some disagreements with my own family. I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad, that nowadays you have to come out as a sexuality that is not gay, you have to come out as Republican if you are Republican or come out as anything else that's not far left, and the thing that offends people nowadays is just being yourself. That's all it takes to offend people nowadays is to think for yourself be your own person and to not have any opinions that are created by others. now I'm thinking, what restaurants are good to eat at Texas? Maybe a place where it has a lot of steak? Hopefully I can make a video of me eating steak in Texas so I can trigger some vegan far leftists... I will be getting a job soon so hopefully eventually I can take-two day break's to Texas every two weeks or so. And besides, I have a girlfriend in Texas.
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