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It looks just as janky as postal 2. mmm getting sweet, sweet 2003 vibes off this one.

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Oh shit, new postal game. And here I was thinking RWS fucking died after postal 3 sucked so much ass it formed a singularity in their studio.

VD-15 boosted
VD-15 boosted

I was today years old when I discovered that the overwatch weebs I know are not only still playing overwatch in 2019, not only supporting blizzard amidst one of the biggest scandals blizzard has ever placed, not only being insufferable, china loving, cock munching overwatch tryharding, communist sympathising faggots. But they have the audacity to do so openly in the general voice chat in my friend's discord server when A) they have their own server B) we have a seperate VC for people who are tryharding at a game and C) other people were fucking using it before them.

VD-15 boosted
VD-15 boosted
"Social experiment" I'm considering to perform.

Write notes with black ink, except random words here and there, that I will write with blue ink and underline them.
Let other people read those notes, and see how they react at the words written with blue ink.
Optional: get some purple ink too.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.