where am i [2.0]

# fallback alts
- @kirby primary fallback
- @kirby secondary fallback alt [INACTIVE DUE TO FSE GOING KAPUT ATM]
- @kirby third fallback

# idle alts
- @kirby
- @kirby
- @theorytoe--Imeankirby
- @kirby
- @kirby
- @kirby
- @kirby
- @kirby
- @kirby
- @kirby
- @kirby
- @kirby
- @kirby

# dead alts
- @kirby@distrotoot.com
- @kirby
- @kirby [RIP TO A REAL ONE]
- @kirby
- @kirby@asbestos.cafe
- @zuck@box.alterracloud.com
do not attempt to contact me on any of these alts

this is my main, i am not the nicecrew digital user with the name kirby
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