Happy New Year everyone! Here's to making 2024 the best it can be.

The 2024 Roadmap has been finished! This is the rough outline for how long things should take and when they will be worked on. You can expect progress to continue throughout the year following pretty closely to this outline.

As you can see, voice acting and tileset swapping are notable parts of next year's development. When the beta releases, that is when things such as forum threads and the game page on itch.io will go up. After that, it's all bug fixes and balance adjustments until it's all finished and can be set for a release date, hopefully some time in 2025!

I'm looking forward to sharing this game that I've worked on for so long with you, and this year will certainly be full steam ahead to get that to happen as soon as possible!



Update! January's work is now officially done. Only about halfway through the month, too!

Work on February has already begun.

All of the tasks for February have been completed! Again, great time is being made here.

The final voice lines that need recording may need to wait a little bit because, admittedly, money is a bit tight right now. It will be done before July though, for sure!

I am completely unsure how long it will take to A) master/format the VA audio and B) implement all the lines into the game. I gave myself a long time to do this just in case it took a while, or was so mind-numbing that I need more breaks. In the event that I finish pretty early, though, the tileset swapping will start as soon as possible!

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.