
The voice acting for the first chapter of the game (out of 7) has been fully implemented! Kenshin's voice lines are still placeholders so I will have to make another pass on them, but that will likely be during my own playtest once the voice acting is fully implemented and the tileset has been finished.

I have also sent the lines for the last character that needs a voice to his voice actor. Those are for chapter 3, so he has some time to get them to me and I can work on the other chapters worst case. I also need to add a few more scenes to the game to fit the lines we added later in development, but that won't come until I've finished every chapter as it currently stands in the game.

Given that I gave myself 2.5 months to do this and those months haven't even started yet, the fact that I'm already done with the first chapter is looking very good.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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