
I got a bit heated in my last post, but I'm so annoyed at how people mindlessly go against the government, as if the threat to our liberties actually is coming from there currently.

Actually think for a second, when was the last time the US government, or Trump, got someone fired because of hate speech or "online harassment"? When was the last time the government got someone to make public apologies/flogging themselves for saying "all lives matter"? When was the last time the US government had any impact on the current "culture war"? When exactly did Trump force anyone from the video game industry, comic industry, movie industry, board game industry etc. to censor or change content to fit with the government's political agenda? When was the last time the US government created political propaganda content and demanded you must watch it, or else you're not a good citizen?

Can we actually be honest for a fucking second, and stop blaming "muh government" like a bunch of retards, when "muh government" is more irrelevant than ever.

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Big brain unpopular opinion: The culture war is actually the civil war: electric boogaloo you've all been waiting for, and without even realizing it, you've been fighting in it for years.

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