
Remember, when southern American states wanted to secede from the Union over slavery disputes, a civil war was started and the confederate forces were condemned by history.

How do you judge the CHAZ in Seattle? How are they any different? Or should I start calling the confederates "peaceful protesters" so I can be on your level?

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@alyx they can be curb stomped in 5 seconds if it was politically popular

@alyx The Union is being condemned by history now too. Tear the country in half to end slavery, suffer hundreds of thousands of dead…it doesn't matter. You'll still just be a forever-racist.
@alyx they're only "peaceful" because they align with the establishment and media bias
@alyx The civil war nowadays is moralized about more, in practice, due to anti-racism narratives as opposed to some concept of treason, which is ironic considering stopping treason & secession in principle was the main concern of the north, not ending slavery. (Though confederate apologists are wrong to downplay the role that slavery played in causing the CSA to want to secede)

When present-day liberals appeal to treason to get patriots to support the banning of the confederate flag or the tearing down of statues, it is really just a disingenuous tactic to get conservative support. Like these people who think themselves all worldly and diverse care about the nationalist concept of loyalty to a country in principle (they don't). It is like when irreligious liberals try to appeal to a Christian's (typically skewed and out of context) morality to get them to support some liberal position. They do not in any way respect Christianity - it is just a tactic.

@Vivernu @alyx I think you said “liberals” when you meant to say “politicians.”

@Vivernu @alyx OTOH it’s fair to claim that every politician since Reagan has pushed the same ideology known as “neoliberalism” but you might as well call it “neoconservativism” because it’s not liberal or conservative.

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