I should keep a link for this video for the next time someone gets offended when I call them an useful idiot.


@a7 So is Vee like on the payroll of Voice of America now? From one Godfather to another. @alyx

@bagofshit @a7
Don't think he's on the payroll of anyone. But communism is a sensitive topic for us Romanians, and since he seems to know his history quite well, I'm guessing he feels compelled to reteach it to those who forgot the lessons of history.

@alyx It’s not 1956 anymore. The Cold War is over. Blaming the rise of radical, ideological movements on a country that doesn’t even exist anymore makes no sense. America needs to face it’s problems and not on irrelevant diversions. @a7

@bagofshit @a7
It's not even necessarily a matter of placing blame on soviet influence or whatever, but rather understanding the tactics they would use, because they are in fact the same tactics the likes of antifa and other far-left ideologues use.

It doesn't matter if the ones that are fucking up America right now have any connection somehow to the KGB or not, it just matters that they're using the same tactics, so you can understand how to counter them.


@a7 @bagofshit
If you're gonna depend on CIA or FBI to fight against an ideological take over of your country, you deserve to be taken to the gulag.

@alyx @a7

Well they are the political police at home and abroad. Wouldn’t want people committing the crime of having the wrong politics.

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