Unpopular opinion: sex work is highly manipulative, but not in the way you expected. 

Women sex workers take advantage of a biological weakness of men, and manipulate them to give up their money, often for "work" that is insanely overvalued. It's basically equivalent to men taking advantage of women's weaker strength to force them to do something against their better judgement and will.

P.S. This post isn't intended as an argument against sex work of any kind, just more of a food for thought for anyone claiming that women are being exploited in the various sex work industries.
Also, it's just something that came to me like 5 minutes ago. Don't take it too seriously.

re: Unpopular opinion: sex work is highly manipulative, but not in the way you expected. 

@alyx what as bout male prostitutes?

re: Unpopular opinion: sex work is highly manipulative, but not in the way you expected. 

1) how many male prostitutes are there?
2) how expensive are they compared to female prostitutes?

Note, I'm talking about sex work in general, so including stuff like porn, cam girls etc. And in these cases at least, we already know that women are the ones that make the vast majority of money. I have no idea how male prostitutes fair, so it's hard to account how they would be included in this.
My intuition tells me they're probably making no where near the same kind of money as the female counterparts, but it's just an intuition.

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re: Unpopular opinion: sex work is highly manipulative, but not in the way you expected. 

@alyx in the spirit of not taking the post super serious, I'd say that there is a wage gap there that must be closed. Male prostitutes need to break the glass ceiling... or glass hotel door, as it were. :)

You have a point about on camera stuff though. E-thots make some bank.

re: Unpopular opinion: sex work is highly manipulative, but not in the way you expected. 

The e-thots thing is kinda new, so who knows how that will evolve. Something I keep remembering though, is how in porn men make practically nothing when doing straight porn, and the only time they actually make good money, is when they do gay porn, that is probably also consumed mostly by men (gay men).

The sex industry in general seems uniquely one-sided, and I just think it's interesting, and something work thinking about every once in a while.

I'm not calling for any kind of change or revolution, it's just a food for thought thing.

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