Unpopular opinion: sex work is highly manipulative, but not in the way you expected. 

Women sex workers take advantage of a biological weakness of men, and manipulate them to give up their money, often for "work" that is insanely overvalued. It's basically equivalent to men taking advantage of women's weaker strength to force them to do something against their better judgement and will.

P.S. This post isn't intended as an argument against sex work of any kind, just more of a food for thought for anyone claiming that women are being exploited in the various sex work industries.
Also, it's just something that came to me like 5 minutes ago. Don't take it too seriously.

re: Unpopular opinion: sex work is highly manipulative, but not in the way you expected. 

I agree with this 100%

TBH, I was expecting to get more shit for that post than I actually got.

I continue to be dumbfounded how popular my posts with the least thought put into them get.

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You have to consider the Incel mentality.
Incel believe that women should give out their cooch willing and freely to anyone that asks. So of course they will agree that them charging money for it is exploitation.
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