
You know what keeps bugging me about the attempts at downplaying Corona-chan? Everyone focuses solely on the death rate. They all pull supposed infection rates out of their ass, inflating infected cases by up to 10x times based on no exact evidence, all so they can claim death rates are somehow no higher than a flu.

Let me remind you dipshits of something: the guessing work of people who might have had corona and never tested, is not something you do for the flu. You don't go every year to say "we only had X reported cases of flu, but we think the number has to be Y, even if we didn't do any medical consult to the rest of them". Sure, you can extrapolate SOME unreported cases, but not fucking 10x times worth.

But that's not even the main point I wanted to make. What annoys me is that we know Corona is not something you just get out of your system and are suddenly completely recovered. We know this thing can leave your body extremely weakened, to the point where any number of later acquired conditions could spell your doom. Death is not the only negative consequence of Corona. This needs to talked about more.

Do you have any idea how many cases of recorded deaths from HIV there are? Probably none! And you know why? Because it's not the AIDS that actually kills you. Is the other infections you get while your immune system is wrecked. No direct deaths from HIV, and yet we still consider it one of the most dangerous viruses out there.

Corona-chan is not dangerous because it kills off sick old people. Corona-chan is dangerous because it has the potential to leave young and healthy individuals with a crippled body. The usual flu doesn't exactly come with the risk of long term or maybe even permanent lung damage. Corona does.

@alyx the total death rate is around 10%. If you consider undertesting, the fact that any comorbidity is ignored from the death toll, and the fact that it is indeed old frail people who die from it, the real death rate should be more than cut by half.
I've never heard of those AIDS-like characteristics before on any of our media, whether state-aligned or not, so I question your sources. Literally nobody I know has ever talked about that.
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