
Fuck it, I'm calling it. Marketwatch probably qualifies as fake news.
In a story about how there are actually 20 million covid infected in USA, they claim the CDC came up with the number, but there's no link to a CDC statement, there's no source to anything anywhere!

Why the fuck are people trusting this site for science news!

Source of story that got me annoyed:

@alyx > This figure, which takes into account asymptomatic people

I am so sick of this narrative. I've got papers downloaded that tracked down some of the asymptomatic people in February and they all said they had symptoms beforehand! The WHO woman even said so recently, then walked it back when Fauci got in a hissy fit over it. The original asymptomatic BS was spread heavily by Michael Osterholm, and came directly from CCP studies.

Asymptomatic spread is very unlikely.

@djsumdog @alyx wait is there anywhere that has more information on this compiled

@Ox @alyx

This is from May:

This was the WHO statement (but they walked it back later; the No Agenda podcast does a good job of breaking down the original and walk-back statement):

There's this one:

and there was a paper published in February, but I can't seem to find it.

@djsumdog @alyx There's a shipyard down here where most people tested positive but were all asymptomatic. CDC basically locked the place down and put everyone on quarantine. Ships were yachts and the crews had been docked in port for over a month living on board and basically just sitting idle (and younger folks so probably fraternizing/fuggin', etc.).

Idk about the data or the narratives but I'd be willing to believe that there may be various strains or that symptoms just don't manifest among all people (or maybe there's more COVID out there than we're aware of and lots of asymptomatic infected people out there walking around).

@kino @alyx check out this reply:

Exposure to Cov2 increases the severity, so if you have a bunch of people on a ship, the few with symptoms will potentially make it worse across the board. 70% of deaths in Canada were in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, and it's ~40% in the US. Most of those people should have probably been spread apart and isolated.That's what they did in places like Florida, unlike NYC where they send old folks back to their nursing homes

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