
I've managed to stay away from social media for over a month now. I honestly don't miss it at all, but I felt I should make a post in case anyone was concerned about my leave. In fact, I plan to make 2 posts today, but first things first...

So for anyone wondering, I am in fact fine. I've managed to avoid the coronavirus so far, even though the situation in my country is not very good. I am perfectly healthy for now, but if I happen to get it, I plan to change my avatar to one with a mask on top (don't know if I'll want/get to post about it, but I think just changing my pfp will probably be faster). I've GIMPed the image months ago, and I'm quite amazed I haven't needed it yet.

In other news, for slightly over a month now, I've took up cycling. I've actually just learned to ride a bike for the first time in my life. That was a fun experience... although I still have a few bruises. But hey, I finally found a sport/physical activity I like doing, and I'm slowly trying to get fit. That's a good thing, right?!

As for my return to fedi... honestly, I don't think I want to. Between my new hobby, and every other stuff in my life, I honestly have enough to keep busy, and I haven't felt the need to log in on here anymore, either to be entertained or to share my thoughts. And there's one other reason why I don't want to use social media anymore, but I'm keeping that for the second post, cause it's gonna go way off topic.

I've removed any fedi app from my phone, and I keep my browser closed more often than not these days (not to mention well away from any of my social media accounts). So if all goes according to plan, I won't see or respond to any comment made after my post anytime soon, if at all.

TL;DR I don't have the corona, I'm cycling in my free time now, I don't plan on coming back on fedi.

Hope all of you are doing well and are staying healthy!

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@alyx i know we haven't talked, but i simply wanna wish you luck for the future regardless. i completely understand taking a step away from social media and i commend anyone who does so. i also hope you don't end up catching the 'rona, stuff sounds nasty.

your second post was also really good and i agree with it, despite usually trying to avoid politics on here.

idek if you'll ever end up seeing this, but regardless, stay strong and be good.
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