
Had a weird dream. @TheAncestor had stolen my awesome pfp, and I decided there was nothing left for me to do than to move on to my backup waifu.

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Who is your backup waifu?
Also what is with all your faggots always dreaming about fedi?
@TheAncestor @alyx fediverse community dream journal when

i gangstalked nukie into starting his back up
@TheAncestor @alyx wait is it common? Hahahahahahahahaha and here I was thinking I was losing my mind again
Seems like a common thing
"I had a dream about Fedi" Or "I dreamed about *Fedi Person I have never met or even seen a picture of before*"
@TheAncestor @alyx I fucking dreamed with sjw two days in a row the past week and I barely interact with the dude
@TheAncestor @alyx first he was just like looking me up or checking me or something and in the other I went to meet him and he was showing me shit like in a dreamy way.

@Xalef @TheAncestor
I'm not saying... I'm too afraid you people will try to steal her.

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