@alyx can i just say how incredibly impressive her model and face rigging is, it blows my mind
@alyx bruh. 13k for that. Also it bothers me that women on the internet think they have to do this annoying ass voice, look at all the English vtubers, its fucking horrible. I dont get it
@alyx she sounds like English isn't her first language, a lot of people learn other languages with a different voice so ill give her benefit of the doubt, but women always raise their voice an octave and change their accent a little whenever they're online. What is the psychology behind this

I've seen clips of her talking with another Korean girl, in Korean language.

@alyx it makes sense, but the stupid retard bitches from hololive en do this annoying fucking voices and sound like annoying uwu egirls, I also notice this when I find women online in games and voice chats

I'm not familiar with all the hololive girls, they seem to keep multiplying. like rabbits. I think most of them don't have English as a first language. The only one that might, has a pretty normal sounding voice IMO. It's this one:

@alyx @creamqueen I can't keep a straight opinion about HoloEn talking voices, but generally the less squeaky the better

@LucoaMilkers @creamqueen
I don't follow them, so I honestly don't give a crap.

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