
Question: do your school systems have other disciplinary measures besides suspension/expulsion?

In Romania, we have a distinct grade, called "Behavior", which by default is a 10, but you can get points subtracted. It influences your final yearly grade of course, but more important, if you don't have perfect 10 in all your school/highschool years, it can disqualify you from pursuing certain fields. For instance, you can't go to police academy or military if you've had even a single 9.

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that's scary seeing that one bad teacher could bar you from a career :sadMa:

I guess, but it's rare that it actually happens. And usually your head teacher and probably the principle has to approve of it.

@alyx That's sad. I know a lot of people who were bad kids who grew up to be very honest, successful adults. I also know good kids that became bad. So I think it's pretty dumb to measure people's social worth during some of the most hormonally tumultuous times in their lives. To measure men at that point seems a bit premature.

Luckily it's rare that it actually happens. You need to do a bit more than just get into a random fight for your grade to be affected. I think it either needs to be a repeated behavior, or something explicitly planned.

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