90s Romanian music is ... interesting. Especially since it was the first time that certain genres started to appear here. Yes, some of it was bad, horrible even. But every once in a while, you can find a diamond. And considering even now rap & hip-hop are fringe genres, it's quite a miracle there was some good stuff back then.

@alyx I don't understand anything but it actually sounds really good, quite unique.

Especially for the era it was made, it really is a good song.

It's take too long to accurately translate all the lyrics, but overall it talks about life in the hood, the corruption that takes place there, how people get rich quick from drugs, prostitution, and other bad activities, but the author also talks about his respect for those who manage to pull themselves honestly out of that poverty. But for everyone that manages to escape the hood, someone else takes his place in the poverty. This sentiment is doubled by the chorus, where the girl asks herself how many more will constantly come and go in this environment, saying it's an endless story. (Endless story also being the title of the song).

I guess it makes sense it gives a latino vibe, since Romanian is similar enough to other Romance languages, like Spanish, to give that impression.

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