
Anime review time: Free!

Swimming anime, story is focused on a bunch of boys, that used to be swimming buddies when they were still kids.

The story is centered around a MC who's a bit autistic or something, cause he's absolutely obsessed with water and swimming.

Irregardless, MC is such a good swimmer, that just seeing him swim, inspires other boys to want to swim as well as he does, and also all the other boys constantly want to swim with him. In fact, a lot of the first season focuses on how another boy, that he used to be friends with, wants to get into the pool with MC.

If you think the last paragraph sounded a bit weird.... well... let me put it this way: Free! has a bit of homo-erotic vibe to it, with a LOT of fan service for any female or gay audience that might be watching. It doesn't go full yaoi, but if something like this bothers you, maybe skip this one.

The story overall is okayish, but at some point the trope of "we used to know each other back in middle-school days" gets too tired. Everyone in this show seems to be connected to everyone else and at some point it broke immersion for me.

There's a bit to watch with this one, 3 seasons and a few movies, and all of them are important for the story. Overall, I give it a 7/10.

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