BioShock: The Collection on Epic Games

BioShock Remastered
BioShock 2 Remastered
BioShock Infinite: Complete Edition

I never actually played BioShock 2. Maybe I will now.

P.S. Anyone know if the BioShock Remastered are decent or if they're a downgrade compared to the original? (as in bugs, bad gameplay changes, stuff like that)

@alyx Nah, the textures are nicer. That's about it. They didn't fuck it up and that's a lot to ask for now.

Why I'm asking is to make sure they didn't do a WarCraft Reforged or GTA San Andreas deal, where the remaster is objectively broken.
If they only changed the textures a bit and maybe a few shaders, then that's a decent remaster in my view.

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@alyx The Warcraft and GTA remasters were extra heinous because they actually went back and fucked up the originals for no good reason. The bioshock remaster is good, but I'm able to still play the original if I really want to.

The GTA case is up in the war crime level of bad, cause what happened there is they first tweaked the game when they ported it to Android/iOS, and then they used that smartphone port to make the "Remaster". So in the end you're playing a port of a port of the original game. And I think even the smartphone port was made from a lesser version of the original release (as in the least good version from all the console releases), but don't quote me on that. It's been a while since I heard that, and I'm not sure if it's entirely accurate.

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