Freeman's Mind took 7 years to complete, at an average rate of 10 videos per year.

Ross Scott's current output for Freeman's Mind 2 is 2 episodes per year... The playthrough is just slightly over 1/3 way through, at episode 17. Assuming another ~32 episodes, we could be waiting 16 years for Freeman's Mind 2 to complete. And that's not even accounting for the possibility of him continuing with Episode 1 & 2 and Half-Life 3 (I'm not even joking, Ross is giving Valve more than enough time to make HL3).

I like the idea of having a supply of Freeman's Mind episodes for the rest of my life, but in a way it's also terrifying.

@alyx Controversial opinion (maybe) but at this point I much prefer Ross's Game Dungeon to Half-Life 2 Freeman's Mind.
Not saying it's bad or anything, it's about as good as HL1 FM was, my sensibilities have just changed, and I think Ross is more invested in those.

I don't think that's controversial.
I think FM2 isn't as good as the original, but it's to be expected. I think it's pretty clear that Ross got burned out on the format while doing the original series, and considering how much pressure there was on him towards the end, it can't be easy.

Game Dungeon and his Dead Game News became his outlets to relieve the pressure, and it's easy to see he's more interested in them. If I had a choice, I'd still have a Freeman's Mind episode instead (cause I'm that invested in HL), but it's hard not to see that he's far more energetic when doing Game Dungeon so it leads to those episodes currently being his best work.

Thing is, I think I would have preferred if he had stopped FM after finishing HL1. Now I just dread the possibility that he never finishes HL2. When I see that it might take another decade, it just makes me anxious that a million things might happen to prevent Ross from finishing it, and an unfinished FM2 just triggers my pseudo OCD.

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