We have decided to create an account at Mastodon. We need time to learn how this platform works but also how to synchronize our work here with the Twitter account.
Thank you all for joining us here. No matter where we are, the mission stays the same. We are in social media to commemorate the victims of Auschwitz and educate the world about the tragic story of the camp.
I think the other replies you've already received is proof enough that you don't want to be here.
And it's not really an issue that the majority of fediverse users are anti-semitic, cause that's not the case. But the ones that are, are infuriatingly vocal about it.
If you think you have skin thick enough to withstand this assault, and make a home on this platform, then I wish you good luck. But be aware that just banning users or even instances won't be enough to stop some of these bastards.