You have to take care to recognize all the other software and protocols in the fediverse. You can't just call it all "Mastodon".

I am a qualified disagree. There's a time and place to call out all the great services, protocols and software in the fediverse. That time and place are not the first 5 minutes someone has heard of the network. If people say "Mastodon", just say "Mastodon". And then help them along as the learn more.

No. :blobcatstop: Say "Fediverse" .. this whole thing was around long before Eugene and will be here long after. Even ActivityPub isn't honest either because we had OStatus and PumpIO and GNUSocial and an entire fucking plethora of glued together garbage to get here. It's not "The Mastodon Network." Over 25% of us don't run Masto. That's like saying the Web is "Google Chrome" ... (I also hate it when people say they "Google" something .. say "Search for" .. you don't jizz into a fucking kelnex, you use a tissue).

@djsumdog @evan
The argument to just call it all "Mastodon" cause it's easier is the equivalent to arguing to call all Linux distributions Ubuntu for the normies. It's dumb.

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