
>simple things
Because changing your Linux kernel can never fuck up with say your drivers, or literally the hundreds of others things in your system, cause you know... it's THE FUCKING KERNEL, that connects to everything.

Unless you actually did troubleshooting, unless you actually have proof the issue is coming from the kernel, don't put a noob to mess with it.
He won't know what he did. He won't know how to change it back. He won't know if he needs to do it again after a reinstall. And he definitely won't know what the consequences are.

Distro devs spend a decent amount of time to choose and test the default kernel, to make sure it works out of the box for everyone. Why the fuck would you insist so fucking hard for a beginner to mess around with it when someone has an undiagnosed problem?

And have you considered for a split second, what if you're "solution" is wrong? What if it fixes nothing? What then? Are you gonna make him change pulseaudio to pipewire? What other "simple things" are you gonna have him change on a whim, without a fucking care in the world about what state that might leave his OS in?

I swear, my only conclusion is that you're a troll, that enjoys seeing beginners brick their own Linux installs out of ignorance.

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