@caekislove @Irishblackpilled
Firstly, thanks for posting a copy here.
Secondly, this had more dystopian vibes than I expected. For some reason it reminded me of the movie The Island.
For those who didn't see it, The Island is about a future, in which a corporation perfects cloning for organ harvesting. But they discover that the bodies "expire" if they try to keep the clones in vats, doing nothing. They needed to live, breath, etc. So they keep the clones locked up in an underground facility, where they're cared for as if they were children, and are told they were the few survivors of a world ending radioactive disaster of sorts, that made the surface inhospitable, except for an "Island" where life was perfect. And the caretakers organized a "lottery" that occasionally picked a clone to be moved to this "island". And everybody was very happy when it would happen. Except, unknown to the poor clones, what was happening was that the rich clients were cashing in on the cloned organs.
This ad strongly reminds me of how the clones in the movie were basically tricked into celebrating what would end up being their own deaths, as this ad attempts to normalize people celebrating someone wanting to kill themselves.