The unskippable ads on the hotel smart tv when I'm trying to watch vtuber karaoke solidify my commitment to never go to a doctor ever again


Why are you using
Hotel TV

At least use openwrt + piehole
or alt dns and alt vpn

@charliebrownau @Paultron Recommended setup while at home, but good luck setting that up in a hotel.
@charliebrownau @Paultron Because that guy is on Poast, meaning he has no idea how technology works, and he won't be able to see my comment because Graf shadowbanned me, because Graf is most likely controlled opposition.

@ryo @Paultron


We really need a dedicated Mastodon Server for Ethnic Nationalists not run by
Jews, Gays or Race mixers

Ive been considering hosting my own small server... Server of 1

@charliebrownau @Paultron I already explained in this blog post that I'm planning on setting up my own XMPP, IRC, and email servers on I2P only once I finally get OpenSMTPd to function, and once I get i2pd itself to function:

I have no hopes left for the clearnet, and Tor seems to get subverted bit by bit, which is why I chose for I2P.
@ryo @charliebrownau @Paultron

It is true that the ilita.i2p userbase is mostly Russian but anyone that uses I2P needs to understand a bit of russian anyways.
What I2P needs is a Matrix instance, I remember someone hosting it a few months before but it's not up anymore.
If you're having connectivity issues with i2pd you can set the connection length to 1 or 2.
@kleeneks @charliebrownau @Paultron
> anyone that uses I2P needs to understand a bit of russian anyways.

Is it really that big in Roshan?
Makes sense considering the worldwide Russophobia going on in current year, though I didn't know this little detail.
But my Roshan knowledge doesn't get anywhere beyond "suka" and "blyat", but learning the language is pretty high on my todo list right now, considering we might be getting a massive influx of Russians over the next few years, seeing how the whole Ukraina vs Roshan psyop is here to stay for the time being.
@ryo @charliebrownau @Paultron is sufficient for most conversations, I'm not Russian(korean) either so I use the translator a lot. Most 'chans like nullchan.i2p are full of Russians, hell, even i2pd is written by a russian.

@kleeneks @Paultron @ryo

Does I2P have a SearX server or it relys on word of mouth to find out IP/servers

@charliebrownau @Paultron @ryo I2P is a massive webring, you do not need search engines, go on reg.i2p and look for yourself you lazy pig.
@charliebrownau @Paultron @ryo Faggot grifters act like they're going to start using i2p any moment and ask questions. Never seen a single one actually spinning up i2pd and making frens on i2p.
@kleeneks @charliebrownau @Paultron We're running i2pd on 076 actually.
The main problem is actually getting it to keep running without it crashing after a few hours because the devs won't tell you they have just released an update.
@ryo @charliebrownau @Paultron I literally have no idea what you're talking about, since there are incredibly old routers on I2P that don't even support NTCP2(althought they did get deprecated as SSU is obsolete now). Maybe you're using i2pd in your distro's repos-compile it yourself or download it from github.
@kleeneks @charliebrownau @Paultron I got a self compiled version, but it was on 2.41.
I installed 2.44 now, and now it works again.
The i2pd documentation (which had to be accessed using an archive because it's Cuckflared) has instructions on how to set up XMPP and IRC servers over I2P, which is very convenient.

Next question: how do I make browsers see .i2p links as websites instead of search queries?
@ryo @charliebrownau @Paultron You are free to generate documentation from source, although I do agree that the readthedocs team is a group of corporate bootlickers:
I don't understand your question however, are you talking about the addressbook system where b32 links may be accessed like websites(e.g. eientei.i2p), or are you talking about something else?
@kleeneks @charliebrownau @Paultron For example:
In the address bar when I write "reg.i2p", it redirects to .
What I want is for it to redirect "reg.i2p" to "http://reg.i2p".
@ryo @charliebrownau @Paultron First of all, don't you feel like browsing I2P over a normal browser will make you stand out? Unpack this in a new tor browser profile and launch it. As for your question, .i2p is not a proper TLD, so you should write reg.i2p/ instead of reg.i2p to force the browser to access the site. The above-mentioned tor browser profile also solves this issue by treating everything you type in the URL bar as a link. Make sure you erase the new tor browser profile before unpacking.
@kleeneks @charliebrownau @Paultron Tor Browser has some telemetry since recently from what I understood.
Does this profile fix it too?

Also, good to know that 11.5.8 is older than 11.5.7 apparently.

> aur/tor-browser 11.5.8-1 (+1242 10.24) (古いバージョン: 2022-11-26)
> Tor Browser Bundle: anonymous browsing using Firefox and Tor (international PKGBUILD)
> universe/tor-browser 11.5.7-1 (106.7 MiB 107.8 MiB)
> Tor Browser Bundle: anonymous browsing using Firefox and Tor (international PKGBUILD)
@ryo @charliebrownau @Paultron
I am completely uninformed on that subject, could you link me to an article that shows tor browser's telemetry? As far as I remember it didn't when I was using SmartSniff to monitor my Windows machine's telemetry.
@kleeneks @charliebrownau @Paultron

>doesn't recommend other browsers because you stand out
>uses WinDOS

C'mon man!

As for telemetry:
@ryo @charliebrownau @Paultron
I use Windows for my nvidia laptop where linux's i915 completely fucks up the driver and renders my system unusable, so spent many days trying to remove Enterprise LTSC's telemetry. Please consider my situation.

As for the telemetry thing, I guess you should just use the script :02shrug:
@kleeneks @charliebrownau @Paultron Which is why I never buy a computer with an Nvidia card, it's the single worst company when it comes to providing drivers to the Linux kernel.
My gaming desktop has an AMD card instead, and it works fine.
@ryo Funny thing about Nvidia is that from what I heard, their hardware doesn't require proprietary firmware like AMD does, so on Librebooted systems, you actually can use their GPUs. So AMD is better for systems with proprietary firmware, but without it, you basically have no choice, though I think really old AMD GPUs may work. Even only with Nouveau, at least it's something other than integrated graphics. I haven't tested that yet because I'm in no position to buy more hardware, but eventually I want to get a GA-G41M-ES2L motherboard and Libreboot it, and get a GPU and see if it works. They were pretty cheap last time I checked, and they should stay that way as long as some YouTuber doesn't meme Librebooted desktops. If it works (and of course, I don't know from experience that it actually does), you maybe can build a reasonably affordable fully free system with better graphics than a ThinkPad. That's a big maybe, though, that's if it actually works well enough, and the only way to know is to give it a shot. Of course, OpenBSD would not work on that system. But FreeBSD could. And of course, GuixSD and Hyperbola and others.
@TerminalAutism AMD's Ryzen GPU's are open source drivers, not libre, but still OSS, so libre drivers can be made out of it.
Nvidia outright refuses to open source their drivers even though they keep using open source code all the time, so Nouveau will never get at the level the proprietary Nvidia drivers are, and if it does then the card is already long outdated.

Don't forget that your average Nvidia user tends to be a PC gamer, so to them by the time Nouveau finally supports the graphics card these gamers use, the gamers have long replaced it for a newer one.
@ryo More about that motherboard later, but first, the point about Nvidia:

I know about the drivers. I'm saying that you can't run AMD GPUs on Librebooted hardware, because they require proprietary firmware, which is where they get you. That's why you can't use the AMD GPUs in Librebooted ThinkPads. But apparently, you can use Nvidia, presumably with Nouveau. So if you want to go 100% free but still have a more recent GPU, you have to use Nvidia. Unless I'm getting this wrong, this is all from random things I read (I think in threads about people trying to get GPUs working on the ThinkPad Advanced Dock's PCIe port.

I want to test this myself eventually, on one of those cheap motherboards, but haven't yet. But if it's true, Nvidia is more free software-friendly than AMD, despite trying their hardest to be worse. So, AMD is known as the supposedly free software-friendly corporation (which they're not, again, they require proprietary firmware, and they repeatedly refused to open source the PSP, because they are hiding a bunch of spyware in there and they don't want you to know, they are no better than Intel, they are like the Donald Trump of CPUs), but the free x86 systems almost all have Intel CPUs (there are those AMD server boards, but I don't remember anything else), and the only GPUs that work are Nvidia's.

So, AMD will pretend to be your friend if you want to go 99% free, but if you want to go 100%, you have to go Nvidia, and deal with the free drivers, but at least it's possible.

Anyway, the actual motherboard is this:

I think it MIGHT work. Seems like you don't have video initialization on the more recent version of Libreboot, but you don't need it if you use a GPU. On the other hand, video initialization works with an older version, but then PCIe doesn't work. Worth a try, maybe. Maybe there's more information out there. It's cheap, though. Just don't tell JewToobers about it or the price will go up by 10 times.
I ran into a recent crashing issue with both integrated and discrete amdgpus on my Linux box:

..and in switching things around I can confirm some things. Yes, `amdgpu` has a bunch of binary blob firmware (usually in `/lib/firmware/amdgpu`) for each generation of card. Also, AMD use to have closed source drivers for Linux as well. I remember around 2014 I switched from the closed source to the open source drivers on Linux and was shocked at how bad the closed source drivers were! Like the open source drivers were light and day better ... AMD eventually abandoned their own drivers and started contributing to the open source project, only after they had gotten a bunch working on their own.

I'm not sure if nVidia is just more complex or not enough people care, but the noveanu drivers still kinda suck. They crashed all the time on a 970 I tried recently and they didn't work at all on my work laptop. If noveanu got to the point where amdgpu was a few years back, nvidia might have taken the same course with Linux.

@djsumdog @ryo @TerminalAutism
From my understanding of the matter, AMD has always had some transparency that allowed the community to build the open source drivers, even if AMD didn't contribute actual man hours.

Meanwhile, Nvidia has always been completely locked down. Nouveau is just the result of reverse engineering and nothing more. Which always meant it was limited in what it could achieve.

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