@alyx @alex The symbol he posted was of a UFO religion called Raëlism. Freaked people out, and looked liked it fooled a lot of people into thinking it's Nazi/Jewish related.

@caleb @alex
I already saw someone posting it earlier. This seems to be the current symbol of this religion. It was specifically changed to avoid confusion with the swastika. And considering Kanye hasn't said a thing about UFOs lately, I think it's safe to say that he didn't post it as a means of endorsing a niche UFO cult.

Maybe the symbol wasn't Nazi/Jewish related originally, but it seems he wanted to give it a meaning related to Nazi/Jews.

@alyx @caleb Raëlism was founded in the 1970s. There’s no way nobody looked at that symbol and didn’t think “lol it’s a swastika in a star of david”

So they changed it. Still a western society issue, isn't it time to "free" those symbols from the ideology that misused them?

@borj @alex @caleb
Not gonna lie, I'd like that. But when someone like Ye comes along, spouts random nonsense regarding Jews and Nazis, and then posts that combined swastika/star, it's hard enough to even free this derivative, let alone the original swastika.

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Ye is having it hard lately :) I think the man has issues and probably needs help. And also - there are people around him that he is not prepared to be with.
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