Maybe I've never went deep enough in the watery places of the internet, but I've never encountered a cracked game with actual malware.

> I've never encountered a cracked game with actual malware.
Dam you're lucky. The issue is that there was a time that a lot of faggots repackaged cracks from other teams and added their malware in it. But there's also corporations who did the same to fuck with people.

Ripping games and repackaging has been getting a resurgence in recent years, because of games inflating to ridiculous sizes I assume. But it looks to me that a few trustworthy and well respected repack providers have quickly emerged, and people stick with them I guess. I haven't investigated the scene well enough to tell if malware started being an issue before people learned who made good repacks.

I can imagine it being a problem during the 90s, but let's just say that by the time a cracked game ended up in my hands back then, it would have been tested by other consumers. So I guess I was pretty lucky.

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