@thor @alyx @kallisti Yeah I just the country doesn't seem like the worst place on its own either.

@animeirl @thor @kallisti
It's good if you want to find a nice, quiet, rural place, to live in. If you ever want to live isolated in the mountains, or something like that, just surrounded by nature, Romania is definitely a good choice.

@alyx @animeirl @thor I've chosen spain for that actually. hows the climate in romania? im assuming its like ukraine where its hot in summer and cold in winter

@kallisti @thor @animeirl
Yeah, it should be about the same as Ukraine, but recently winters haven't been that cold. At least not where I live, more towards the south of the country. Summers can be pretty bad heat wise, especially in the west.

@alyx @animeirl @thor my grandparents tell me that they experienced -20c last winter. theyre now in the UK with us so a welcome break lol

@kallisti @thor @animeirl
It's 4C right now, at night. The usual I see from our winters now is maybe -5C as an average cold period. If you go towards the mountains, maybe you'll see down to -15C, but probably just a day or two.

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@alyx @thor @animeirl ooh, thats much warmer even than the part of ukraine my grandparents lived in - heard of bukovina?

@kallisti @thor @animeirl
Have I heard of it? Man... We still have nostalgia over Bucovina (how we write it) and see it as a lost part of our Great Romania.

@alyx @thor @animeirl huh, interesting. part of bukovina is in romania still, no?
@alyx @animeirl @thor me and my family are from the ukrainian part of bukovina, so a lot of interesting cultural dynamic there

@kallisti @thor @animeirl
As with many of our historic provinces, it got split up after WW2.
Moldavia is the biggest example though. There's the separate country Moldavia, but the part of Romania that neighbors Moldavia is also called Moldavia.

@alyx @thor @animeirl indeed. bukovina split across three countries. a great shame
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