>teaches consent to little kids
>S.E.E.D. certified

you know one day, before you're thrown in the gulag, they're just gonna admit it.

They just want to have sex with children.
@alyx @alyx

Schools Excelling in Emotional Development (S.E.E.D.) Certification®

>Emotional Development
In an age when people break down over "microaggressions".... forgive me for doubting there's anyone left that knows what healthy emotional development for children means.

@alyx @alyx they also have workshops on "consent."
@alyx @alyx no they're using it right. Its exactly what you think it is.

I understand why you think that way, but it's not about pedo things... for now.
It's a older hippie thing, where you're supposed to respect what a child wants. Only they're using the word "consent" to make it seem like an immature child's opinion on what he should eat for dinner is actually important.

But it is indeed a problem that they're gonna twist the meaning of that word, and confuse children about actual, grownup consent.

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@alyx @alyx eventually these fucking kikes are gonna start saying toddlers can give non verbal cues when they want to be touched which is the gonna leave the door open for a legal discussion about whether or not a child can consent to being sexually abused.

this is just them putting the foot in the door.

They are indeed dangerously close to some stupid shit because they are misusing and diluting words. But for now, I'm not seeing anything that leads me to believe there is malintent afoot. Just repackaged hippie shit.

I could be wrong of course, but for the safety of the children, I hope I'm not.

@alyx @alyx well its not like they can just go out and say its ok to fuck kids. They have to pussy foot around it until your heads been filled with enough gobbly gook.
@DW2 @Terry @alyx A very sharp paring knife would be better, something to skin them and leave them alive.
@Terry @alyx I don't think this is necessarily what you think it is. The globohomo art is scary and does imply pedophilia. But I think you're getting ahead of yourself. The reason why they're talking about consent to kids isn't like when adults in the current year have a conversation about child consent being an inversion of our previous understanding of consent (a child cannot consent or sign legal contracts much less consent to tranny surgery) I think this is the more fundamental teaching of consent as we were taught it as kids. "The bad touch." The right to your own body and to tell somebody that their contact makes you uncomfortable and they need to stop despite their seemingly friendly intentions. In picrel, they talked to @consentparenting.


If you go through their Insta, you can see that they're all about stopping pedo stuff and educating kids on consent and telling kids when they're, in fact, getting diddled and not participating in innocent physical affection.

My concern with this is the opposite. I'm worried that what they're doing is grooming kids into having a very early #metoo mindset over things that are innocent to further the globohomo agenda of parental alienation. Are you upset that your parents didn't get you the latest iPhone? Maybe they were withholding it from you as a way to coerce you into sex because they want to rape you. Is your dad playing sports with you? He's actually looking for an excuse to touch you. Did your mum measure your leg to get pants fitted for you? She was also trying to touch you. You can't trust your parents. Your real family is the globohomo establishment.

And we know globohomo -do- use pedo alarmism. Like Vice magazine articles about Japan which isn't too far removed from the shit you would cop being from chudbuds and KF aylogs for being on bae.st.

Consent isn't the main focus of Seed and Sew but it does fit into inculcating kids into the globohomo interpersonal relational framework.
seed and sew consent.png
@alyx @PonyPanda @alyx putting the idea in peoples heads that kids can consent is bad enough regardless of the intent
@alyx @Terry god damn hippies
what a child wants is ice cream for dinner and to stay up all night playing video games
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