I'm concerned about the presence of "child prostitute" on the list, at 46 seconds in.

Probably the only instance that is somewhat agreeable.

Though it still ignores the basic principle of language that using an entire phrase in place of two nouns is cumbersome.

@HitlerIs6_4 @sjw
Just found the list myself, and I disagree with your assessment.
It trivializes the seriousness of child prostitution. While child trafficking is also bad, it does not by itself mean the child was raped. This change tries to ignore and hide the sexual abuse of children.

Kinda, but "child prostitute" kinda implies a level of agency that "trafficking victim" doesn't. IDK, I don't agree with the concept of changing words like that either way though, but it does feel like they atleast tried to use a better word.

@HitlerIs6_4 @sjw
> but "child prostitute" kinda implies a level of agency
Only if you think children can consent to sex. Do you think think children can consent to sex?

No, but its the same reason we call child sexual abuse "child sexual abuse" instead of "casual sex with children". Using words that imply consent in a situation that is always abusive muddies things.

I don't really care though, everyone knows what child prostitution is, and changing words like that is pointless and stupid. I was just expecting them to be asking for them to change it to something like "underaged person who engages in sex work" so was surprised.

@HitlerIs6_4 @sjw
Dude... a lot of times even adult prostitutes aren't in a situation where they're actually consenting, but act out of duress. There's not as much implied consent to "prostitute" as you think there is.

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But there are a lot more instances of adult prostitutes doing what they are doing of their own volition than children.

This is a really stupid argument though, I don't think either of us disagrees that child prostitution is bad and there is no need to change the phrasing. I was just saying it could have been much worse.
@alyx @HitlerIs6_4 @sjw @alyx
It all went wrong when you thought "the only instance that's somewhat agreeable" was something you should write down, much less think about :what_cirno:

In any case the fact they thought this term needed to be redefined is extremely alarming, because even if it doesn't change anything now it's going to be extremely easy to do so in the future, it's a slippery slope until "child prostitute" gets removed for implying kids can't consent, or better yet, for being an "anti-Semitic" term because we all know who the ring leaders are :epsteinsmug: and once something becomes anti-Semitic it becomes LAW :epstein:

There are many terms here they are trying to redefine, this is ZOG naked hand for everyone to see...
@alyx @HitlerIs6_4 @alyx @sjw
"I identify as the holy hand of god and country that will murder all gringos even if both disavow me, in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit"
Nigger that admin of your instance talks about how he wants to have sex with children stfu.
@alyx @HitlerIs6_4 @sjw @alyx
Now that you're against the wall shitposts become credible threats but not in your case because then you would look bad?

Tell you what, I'm thinking you're far too young to be here mate, much less have an opinion on such heavy topics
Nigger you're mad at me for saying I think that a term which more strongly implies vinctimhood isn't a bad replacement. You're trying to act like that's some huge sin against the world while your instance allows anime child abuse imagery and has an admin who talks about wanting to fuck kids. You're so full of shit and you obviously don't give a damn about protecting children or any of that.
@alyx @HitlerIs6_4 @sjw @alyx
You're very entitled and stupid if you believe anyone cares about you enough to get angry :sagiri_sip:
@alyx @HitlerIs6_4 @alyx @sjw
You're too young kid go outside touch grass you're not supposed to be here
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