I'm concerned about the presence of "child prostitute" on the list, at 46 seconds in.
@HitlerIs6_4 @sjw
Just found the list myself, and I disagree with your assessment.
It trivializes the seriousness of child prostitution. While child trafficking is also bad, it does not by itself mean the child was raped. This change tries to ignore and hide the sexual abuse of children.
@HitlerIs6_4 @sjw
> but "child prostitute" kinda implies a level of agency
Only if you think children can consent to sex. Do you think think children can consent to sex?
@HitlerIs6_4 @sjw
Dude... a lot of times even adult prostitutes aren't in a situation where they're actually consenting, but act out of duress. There's not as much implied consent to "prostitute" as you think there is.
This is a really stupid argument though, I don't think either of us disagrees that child prostitution is bad and there is no need to change the phrasing. I was just saying it could have been much worse.