Makes me think...
That sounds so wrong...

@Inginsub @alyx they're all effectively gypsies in how much money they take from people in donations

@lina @Inginsub
Well, if people insist on saying we're all gypsies, I guess we have Vee. He kinda qualifies as a vtuber, on his secondary channel, with his troll persona.

@alyx @lina do you actually have a lot of gypsies? I heard that the words Romania and Roma are unrelated

@Inginsub @lina
Gypsies are the second largest minority over here, with about 3% of the population.

Yes, the words are unrelated. In Romanian, the correct way to write it is actually "Rroma". Not sure if the double "r" is to emphasize the distinction between them and ethnic Romanians, or if it's closer to their language. Part of it is probably to show that there is a stronger emphasis on the "r" when you pronounce the word.
In any case, "Rroma" is derived from gypsy language, while Romania/Romanian are derived from latin.

It's basically a linguistic coincidence that they look similar.

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