You might be interested in this one Fedi - Anamaria Gavrilă is due to become the new face of the Romanian "far-right", as her newly established Party of Young People will make it into parliament after yesterday's election. While you'd expect a party with a name like that, and a female leader, to be totally shitlib, it's instead described as "extreme right, sovereigntist, anti-establishment, nationalist, anti-Western and populist, opposing abortion rights and promoting vaccine hesitancy".

What I personally find most interesting is that Gavrilă lived in Germany for seven years, and in the UK for eight years, before returning to Romania. It seems pretty damn obvious that the pozzed, degenerate state of the modern West was what ended up radicalizing her.

I've been wracking my head figuring out if the diaspora voted for Călin Georgescu also because they got radicalized by the shit going on in the West. Cause theoretically, Romanians living in Germany, UK, Spain, etc. as immigrants would be benefiting from the leftist policies there, so you wouldn't think they'd be so against liberal-left ideas.

@alyx White immigrants are still treated as second class by Western countries compared to blacks and Muslims, plus they have higher expectations for life in their new countries. If you're a Romanian who believed for your whole life that the West was infinitely better ("vreau o tara ca afara"), only to discover that Romania is actually now the freer and safer country, this disillusionment might cause you to ask some hard questions about just what happened to the West.
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