>Murder is not Justice

"It's only justice when the government does it"
If the government doesn't have a monopoly on violence, then you don't have a government. If everyone carries out their own justice, you have the gangs of Chicago, the cartels of Central America, and the warlords of Somalia.

With government monopoly on violence, you get corrupt prosecutors like the one in NYC who tried to put away Daniel Kenny .. or Kyle Rittenhouse .. and they failed, but there are others who succeeded of putting innocent men away (Derek Chauvin, and the four put away in the Ahmaud Arbery case). You also have corruption in the government which allows the likes of Epstine and PDiddy.

Is mob justice the type of justice you want? Even if the system is rotten in some ways, the ideas behind juries and adversarial trials is arguably better than trial by combat or Soviet show trials or Star Chambers.

Some innocent people will always die in witch trials or CIA psyops.

There are trade-offs at every step of the way.
@djsumdog my argument is it's not the government's job to commit violence
Do you think it's the individual's responsibility to commit violence? to commit justice?

I don't think justice works at the individual level. It doesn't work much better at the mob level either. Having a system (even if it's a shitty system, like a priest or a king or trial by combat) at least sets some rules. Over time, those rules can get better or worse.

That system might be a tribe leader or a king or a war lords or a council of war lords or a group of elected people. But even with the gang leader ... you get a de-factor government of some kind. You might not think of it as such, but it is.

I think justice only works at the group behavior level. You need a social group to have that concept. I am for smaller systems, smaller states, smaller countries .. and I think we'd be much better off globally if the US had been allowed to split into two different self government entities back when it wanted a divorce.

But I don't think you escape the government. Those who do just end up forming another government.

@djsumdog @j
People are trying to play "anarchist" again. Don't bother too much.

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