@rasterman @lethn
I can't say I've seen anyone seeking an alliance with Muslims/Islamists, but I've seen people praising and borderline sucking Palestinian dick (metaphorically speaking) simply for killing Jews.
@rasterman @lethn
So firstly, I've seen people around here, on fedi, spouting that shit, people who regularly shit on Fuentes. So don't thing it's solely a groyper thing. Don't know who Keith Woods or Lucas Gage are.
Secondly, regarding Palestinians, the whole "original inhabitants who converted to Christianity" is bs simply because we know they're Islamists, not Christians. And past events concerning them has shown that they're as unfriendly to Christianity as they are to Judaism. Wherever they end up in vast numbers, they try to violently overthrow governments. They're not anyone's ally.
Saw a good analysis a while back that explains well enough that "Palestinian" is not a real historic ethnic or national identity. It was birthed after Jews returned to Israel, as a means to politically combat them establishing a state there.
The issue is, I'm pretty sure the guy who made the hour long YouTube video going over this is Israeli himself, and I know people around here wouldn't trust a Jew if he said the sky is blue.