Wouldn't women's boobs end up all saggy and weird if they didn't have bras though? :thunk_spin:

@grizzlywhisker @j
No. Studies have shown boobs sag more with age when women wear bras than when they don't.

When your body notices it doesn't have to put in the work to keep it working well (because of outside intervention) then it stops doing it. That's why your body stops producing testosterone if you start getting it by other means, or a woman's body doesn't bother strengthening the tissue that keeps boobs firm when they wear bras.

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@alyx @grizzlywhisker the connective tissue inside boobers that gives them shape is basically the same as muscles. Let it work and it'll stay strong. Keep the boobies locked up like a veal calf and the connective tissue will atrophy causing sagging.

This is also why a lot of women say it can get painful not wearing a bra. The connective tissue isn't strong enough to hold up the booba so it starts to hurt. Go a few months without wearing a bra at all and the tissue will get stronger and the booba will start to sag less.
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