
Had a dream that I gave my hard drives a bath... literally dunked a dozen HDDs in a tub full of water. A few 2.5" ones somehow had a translucent case, and I could see them being half-filled with water.

What the hell was my brain thinking?! I don't even know if I can call this a dream or a nightmare. The whole thing was definitely shocking enough that, half-way through the dream, my brain realized "what the hell did I just do!". The rest of the dream was me trying to calculate what are the odds that if I let them dry out, that they'll work again.

All I can say is, I've never woken up and be more thankful that it was just a dream.

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@alyx true dream energy would be if the hard drives were now clean and happy, then you wake up mildly confused why the hard drives could speak
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