the ceo thing that happened 

> Another thing to point out; Absolutely no public vigil, not a tea light or a teddy bear lay at his murder spot, nothing. Within 24 hours, the CEO was replaced as the company just.... stepped over his dead body. That's another statement in itself.

:blobcatlord: :gutkato_profito:

the ceo thing that happened 

Yes, truly. The rational thing a company should do is say "let's jeopardize the entire company and the financial future of its employees by taking time to mourn the passing of the CEO". How long do you think its appropriate for a company to suspend things because a person died? Maybe a month or two? I think that should be enough. And obviously, every death of any employee should receive the same treatment. Companies should clearly always take time to mourn the dead.

Yes, that was all very passive aggressive sarcasm. I'm not a fan of the CEO assassination idea, but that doesn't mean a CEO gets to be treated any differently from any other employee. When an employee is no longer available, and the job needs to be filed, the company will employ whoever it can ASAP. That's life. Especially for a position like the CEO, the jobs of many more people are at risk if there isn't someone there doing his job. Anything less than immediately replacing the CEO is a dereliction of duty towards everyone involved with the company, whether it's business partners, employees, stock holders or even clients.

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the ceo thing that happened 

@alyx there's usually a bit more reverence given. apple may have begun seeking a new ceo when jobs died but they were still like :blobcatsalute:

its funny cause like even the company itself is like yeah we don't really give a shit, print a new one whatever
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