
China is really not the best example to use.

Their military is mostly propaganda. It would be a miracle if in actual conflict it's as effective as the Russian one. Which is not that great all things considered.

Their crops are picked by people who would think themselves rich if they had your minimum wage. And clean toilets? Aren't you fancy. Most Chinese shit in outdoor latrines or holes in the ground. Sometimes these things are even literally communal. Meaning, you get to enjoy the company of tens of other people shitting, with no dividing wall.

China's tech is stolen American tech. So by the transitive property, their tech is being done by infinity Indians.

I appreciate the sentiment, and I agree that blind "muh diversity" does jack shit for the world, but China is a lousy example for this argument. China is an inefficient, incompetent, bureaucratic nightmare. Their GDP per capita is utter shit. They've become a world power simply because there's so many of them, that it still manages to make their overall GDP look good (unlike African countries for example).

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