
@thatbrickster Farage badly needs to stop cucking and playing establishment politics

re: ukpol 

@coolboymew @thatbrickster but look how well cucking to the establishment has worked out for the conservatives!


re: ukpol 

@VD15 @coolboymew @thatbrickster
I love it when I see Sargon still desperately trying to hold on to hope, still saying things like "Farage is the best we've got". Nah... People were justified in having hope in Farage back before the Brexit vote happened. Ever since, he's been useless.

re: ukpol 

@alyx Sargon thinks Farage is weak but, given what we have at present, Farage is the best we've got. I left the party once Ben Habib left, who I thought was a great spokesman for the party.

@VD15 @coolboymew

re: ukpol 

@thatbrickster @VD15 @coolboymew
I get his argument, but if you can acknowledge that the best you've got is weak, then you should be able to see that you genuinely have nothing.

re: ukpol 

@alyx At a push, there's Nick Tenconi and William Clouston. The latter's SDP are more palatable to the general electorate but they have very low visibility.

Looking inward, I'm sure there are right-wing thinkers who could pose as an alternative to Nigel's post-Cold War thinking. I don't want reheated Thatcherism either.

@VD15 @coolboymew
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