If there's a planet out there with sentient/sapient flying people out there in the universe, do you think they'd have a problem with "drunk flying?" Wouldn't suicide just consist of folding in your wings and dropping?

On a planet with egg laying creatures who form a civilization, do you think they'd ever have a debate about abortion? I mean you can literally just throw your egg in the compost bin!

.... these are the questions that keep me up at night.

If the aliens are capable of independent flight, drunk flying would be viewed similarly to how we view public inebriation. But if they're flying via flying cars, then drunk flying would be akin to drunk driving.

For a flying alien, suicide via not flapping your wings might be as difficult as it is for yourself to kill yourself via not breathing.

For egg laying aliens, abortion might be easier to accomplish and to hide the evidence of it, but I think the societal stigma would still be there. If anything, comparisons to murder might be even more legitimate, as the egg isn't directly reliant on your body to develop.

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