Fucking liberals be like "muh wage theft, crapitalism steals from the working class etc." and then turn around and claim that "without billions of illegal immigrants, our economy cannot survive" SMH

One day, they're gonna have to realize that these two are mutually exclusive positions.

@Verfassungsschmutz I don't know if I'd say anti capitalism and pro immigration are mutually exclusive but the latter does sustain a lot of the former

That's precisely the point. Importing millions of illegals immigrants to do low level jobs does nothing except depress wages and increase housing costs (i.e. the main points of criticism that Marxists have besides lack of free healthcare). For some reason, these faggots cannot get it through their thick heads that the more illegals we allow into the country, the worse things get for the working poor citizens, because all the entry level jobs will be taken up by people willing to work off the books for half the money.


For some reason, these faggots cannot get it through their thick heads that the more illegals we allow into the country, the worse things get for the working poor citizens

They know, it's part of their plan, and it was rejected at the ballot box


@PraxisOfEvil @Verfassungsschmutz
>They know, it's part of their plan, and it was rejected at the ballot box
The politicians, sure. The average leftie voter and/or activists are too stupid to understand economics.

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