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If you had the power/authority to open source 1 piece of software or hardware, what would it be?

@djsumdog @ryo @TerminalAutism
From my understanding of the matter, AMD has always had some transparency that allowed the community to build the open source drivers, even if AMD didn't contribute actual man hours.

Meanwhile, Nvidia has always been completely locked down. Nouveau is just the result of reverse engineering and nothing more. Which always meant it was limited in what it could achieve.

Scientists have tried to achieve absolute 0 for decades, and then the weather comes along one day, and pisses in everyone's face.

Death penalty! Stone him to death! Send him to the lions! Put him on the cross!

Idea: use "google" as a slur. Just call people "googleoids" or something similar.

Is this parody? Are they actually playing defense?! Jesus fuck....

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.