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@thor @kallisti
Don't honestly know if the average Roma is more likely to steal, but something tells me that if they do decide to steal, they're probably gonna be better at it. And they'll steal something that you wouldn't notice has gone missing until after you've payed.

@kallisti @thor @animeirl
As with many of our historic provinces, it got split up after WW2.
Moldavia is the biggest example though. There's the separate country Moldavia, but the part of Romania that neighbors Moldavia is also called Moldavia.

@thor @kallisti
I have an uncle that had a small construction/renovating company, and he hired some Roma. He had a lot of respect for them. There are definitely some hard working people among them. But just as with any people, you still need to vet them, you can't just blindly trust them. Unfortunately not everyone is trustworthy.

@kallisti @thor @animeirl
Have I heard of it? Man... We still have nostalgia over Bucovina (how we write it) and see it as a lost part of our Great Romania.

I can't say I know that much, but I did notice that they have a habit of discovering foreign music genres and incorporating it into what they do. I distinctly remember a period when I noticed a Greek influence in the manele songs that they were releasing. So what you and @thor are saying, doesn't really surprise me.

@thor @kallisti
They're probably Romanians that left from some of the poorer villages.

@kallisti @thor @animeirl
It's 4C right now, at night. The usual I see from our winters now is maybe -5C as an average cold period. If you go towards the mountains, maybe you'll see down to -15C, but probably just a day or two.

@kallisti @thor
I'm not personally a fan of Roma music (manele), but yeah, they have a pretty long history of artistry when it comes to music.

@animeirl @thor @kallisti
Rural Romanians, especially in the mountains, are some of the most pleasant and welcoming people in the world. You'd have fantastic neighbors if you did that here.

@kallisti @thor @animeirl
Yeah, it should be about the same as Ukraine, but recently winters haven't been that cold. At least not where I live, more towards the south of the country. Summers can be pretty bad heat wise, especially in the west.

@thor @kallisti
Yeah... the Roma are a bit of an issue, because they tend to not integrate well into overall society by choice. Not sure how things are now, but Roma parents not sending their children to school was a serious issue. And you can imagine how much that impacts their communities in the long term.

As for controversies... we haven't had many arguments with the EU folks... but there is a big snafu now, because we and Bulgaria were supposed to get voted into the Schengen zone this month, but got a big veto from Austria. And there are some diplomatic repercussion right now...

@kallisti @thor
Don't worry about it. If you go to a bigger city, you should have a decent chance to get by with some English. But if you can pull out even a few Romanian words, in even the shittiest accent, people will absolutely love you. We have a thing for foreigners speaking our language. There are few things we enjoy more than seeing other people enjoy our language, our culture and our country overall.

@animeirl @thor @kallisti
It's good if you want to find a nice, quiet, rural place, to live in. If you ever want to live isolated in the mountains, or something like that, just surrounded by nature, Romania is definitely a good choice.

@thor @kallisti
Fun fact: that song was not made by Romanians, but by Moldavians, our precious neighbors, that we share a history, a language, religion, and culture.

@kallisti @thor
We're a people that still respect our past. We have a long history or our people being divided by various occupiers, so we celebrate and respect the figures and the moments in history when we were reunited in a "Great Romania".

We have traditions that we still appreciate and love, while we also try to look forward, and we look towards western nations as a model of development. We are aware that the communist period stunted our advancement, so we try our best to recuperate the lost time. We want to be accepted by the nations we look up to, and we hope to be viewed as their equals.

If history taught us anything, is that we're a resilient bunch. We've been occupied and trampled by pretty much every empire around us, but we managed to maintain our identity. Even the most cynical of us, will still enjoy flying a Romanian flag and watching the parade celebrating our national holiday. We're not quite as nationalistic as Hungary, but we're not ready to lose our identity and country either.

The right dick in the wrong M&M tube, can make all the difference in a reddit thread.

Well fuck... Don't know where to slot him into the fight... it seems he has fame on his side.

Hmm... hard question...
One of them got his dick infected, the other guy got it completely stuck.
If the battle involved swordfighting with their dicks, I'd say the M&M guy would win, as his dick would basically have armor, while his opponent is exposed and sore.
It also seemed like he had planned his stunt a little more, then the guy that just randomly put his dick in chicken meat.

Though, the chicken guy just going on instinct to fuck... meat... that might mean he's more in touch with his animalistic side, and he'd just revert to a primal state and go ape shit in a fight. That would give him the advantage. There are few things more dangerous than a wounded animal.

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