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I'm not judging YOU, it's just....
I can't stand anymore the double standard that is being applied. We're supposed to welcome Muslims with open arms, and uncritically accept their awful religion, meanwhile Christianity is subjected to insults that are making even me recoil.

I don't get people anymore...
Do the people doing these things WANT a proper Christian backlash?

You know what... I would have never said this a few years ago, but maybe Christians should convert to Islam, just to be allowed to practice their faith in peace.

Right... Do you think this is normal or healthy for a society?

I haven't even begun to think about the massive nuke Kanye West is on the progressive ideology.

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The political left should really listen to Ye's lived experience.

@LukeAlmighty @coolboymew
TBH, I'm kinda sad about that. I was ready to laugh my ass off that you managed to pull it off.

You're an experimental Russian bot AI, developed at the order of Vladimir Putin.

Not surprised tbh. Don't they have like millions of fans? As long as they don't keep offline with their IRL identities, it's inevitable that someone comes across them.

Latest revelations from the Hololive rabbit hole.

Gura is Senzawa.
Kiara is Keekihime.
Calli is DemonDice.

I wonder how many more of them have their identities known by the community... I'll probably stumble upon them in time, like I did with these.

What are the chances Ye ends up uttering the phrase "Hitler did nothing wrong" at some point?

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