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I don't remember a "rape dog"... I remember some dickwolves.

You mean reusing panels? Can't say I pay enough attention to say for sure he's not doing it, but it's not noticeable.

Webcomics are stronger than ever. They have their own dedicated, monetized platforms these days.

I hear the English have started deluding themselves that "it's coming home".
Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I wish you all the luck in winning the World Cup. But don't be foolish in raising your hopes yet. From what I remember, it didn't go well for you last time.

@galena @ImperialAgent
>Canada is an entire nation of Nice Guys
Now I'm officially scared of Canadians.

And I silently curse at all of you whenever you repost one of those.

I like puns, so while I've seen this before, still, sincerely thank you.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.