@LukeAlmighty @s8n @dave @loveFromBirkenau @Alex
The problem started when people tried to socially engineer globalism and multiculturalism.
Left on it's own devices, the free exchange of information and the ability to freely travel to different countries or to apply for work visas, would have slowly brought cultures closer to each other in a natural way, and the people who actually took the rare step to permanently move to a different country would have properly assimilated to the local culture.
But that would have been at best a multiple centuries long road to a sort of global merging of cultures.
Instead, we got a bunch of power hungry morons, with the forward vision of a goldfish, thinking they can social engineer this thing in a few decades, with open borders and everything else.
To me globalism means two separate things.
One is a description of a factual phenomenon that we can observe. This globalism is exemplified by me, a random Romanian, watching American movies and TV shows for my entire life, to the point that I learned to value, respect and associate with American values.
The other globalism, is the forced "globohomo" social engineering that is gonna turn the world to ash. It's people not learning from failed communism that you can't control and plan the workings of a country, and then thinking they can plan out the workings of the entire globe.
So if you're asking me if the forced "globohomo" type of globalism is helping humanity, my answer is no. It simply can't, because it suffers from the same defects as communism.
If on the other hand, you're asking if the other globalism I described helps humanity, I honestly don't know. It might, but ONLY if this phenomenon of people sharing information, values, skills, culture, is left to progress naturally, without governmental influence... which is obviously not what is currently happening.
Yeah, I guess if you didn't know him, you could easily misinterpret it. Kinda funny though.
Huh... the pole might be right. When I think "manlet" I don't even think of anything else than a short white male. Asians are shorter on average, but I never think of an Asian male when I say or hear "manlet".
@s8n @LukeAlmighty @dave @loveFromBirkenau @Alex
That being said, I still don't want genocides being committed on anyone. People can call me a cuck if they want, I just don't see that helping humanity overall.
@s8n @LukeAlmighty @dave @loveFromBirkenau @Alex
I love being in the position where I have equal amounts of disdain for both the original communists and nazis, and also their offspring of woke marxists and various strands of antisemitic white-supremacists or neo-nazi.
@LukeAlmighty @dave @loveFromBirkenau @s8n @Alex
Correct me if I'm wrong, but "Nazi" seems to be the word equivalent to a tankie in common English, which makes a lot of discussions on these issues a bit annoying.
I sometimes try to make delineations of nazi/neo-nazi/white-supremacists, to try to make clear there are in fact multiple factions.... but yeah, way too many people just lump everything as "nazi", and it pisses me off, cause I don't think many legitimate WW2 Nazi Germany nazis are still alive. And while today's antisemites like to worship those past Nazis, they are not "worthy" of the name.
Partner is rarely a good fit for boyfriend/girlfriend. I don't know Danish, but I wouldn't be surprised if the original term conveys a more intimate relationship than "partner". We use "partner" to denote everything from a business associate to a cowboy mate. Not exactly very specific.
@enduser@berserker.town @thor
No, and god I hope I never will.
>up to 4000
1) I still remember the times of 140 limit
2) I still think the raise to 280 was some kind of hack job in the backend. The 140 limit was because Twitter used to be SMS compatible. There's no reason to limit to exactly doubling up to 280. It could have been 250, 256, 300... The exact 2x140 makes me think their database was still limited to 140 characters, and every new tweet actually linked to 2 database entries.
3) Honestly, I'd say 4000 is a bit much for Twitter, but every complaint on why Twitter discussions devolve into toxicity usually comes to a common denominator of there not being enough space to properly convey what you want to say. So here's hoping this helps a little.
right click->save as->desktop wallpaper
Or maybe the cats just like a warm satellite dish over sleeping in snow.
@LukeAlmighty @dave @Senator_Armstrong
Here's the thing. While I have no idea if people like Dave existed back then, antisemites today, and I can only assume Nazis back then too, are/were convinced that "muh juice" were planning a genocide against Germans.
So the obvious question...
I found news on Fedora doing this, can't find shit on Manjaro or Arch taking the same approach, but I guess it did happen.
I'm contemplating building from AUR, but considering I have no guarantee it will enabled it again, or that it won't go away as an option there too, don't think I can do much.
This fucking sucks... I thought Linux was over having to deal with these fucking stunts, where you had to do backflips to use basic features.
vainfo confirms I've got no h264 support system wide.
That could make sense. I'm using Manjaro, and I just had a big system update at the same time as the Vivaldi one.
Which begs the question, why did they disable h264 in mesa then?
Just another random person passing by.
The Alyx Vance must go this way anyway.
Gordon Freeman dies in All Dogs Go To Heaven 2.
I wasn't designed to be carried.
En Taro Igel!
Lift me up, let me go...