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Man... Apple users are so fucking cucked.

Older iPhones Bricked For Being Too Outdated - Locking Users From Their Data

You know what... who even plays Crysis anymore in 2022? And Doom is so ancient...
The real test for computing power should be: but can it run Excel?

Yes, the solution to hot things is cold things. That's how thermodynamics works.

I saw Elf once. Hated it. I still enjoy Home Alone clips every once in a while, but I wouldn't sit down to watch it again, beginning to end, unless I had no choice. I watched it too many times, as a consequence of that Christmas tradition you mentioned.

Same goes for the Look Who's Talking trilogy. Also Homeward Bound and Beethoven.

>can I reprogram his feed
Technically you can, by deleting the entire YouTube view history and unsubscribing from everything. It should mostly revert to default YouTube state.

I've seen women fit much bigger things up there, so I don't see why that couldn't fit in a guy.
My concern though is ... WHY?! Why would anyone do that?!

When I first heard about that dyke Norah Vincent who wrote a book about her experience pretending to be a man and later killed herself I thought it was funny. When I actually read up on her I ended up feeling really bad about that because I was completely mistaken about what she had been trying to do. She was one of the few women who literally put herself into a man's shoes and saw what a shit sandwich life was for them, then tried to articulate that experience for others. That's something I can respect a lot. If her experiment was repeated today it'd be even more jarring, but the current sociopolitical environment would prevent any kind of mainstream publication from ever happening.

Had an interesting dream last night. My brain came up with a different concept for a CPU cooler.
Normally you'd have a radiator, with a fan strapped on to it. In my dream, the fan was encased within the radiator. And the fins were so dense that you barely could see the fan inside. Oh, and somehow you could update the firmware of the fan... yeah, that was strange, but the fan had a 1000rpm limit on release, but the manufacturer released an update to increase it's speed.

I think people aren't aware or don't understand that a lot of vtubers have other talents going for them, they have other things going on, beyond the vtuber shtick.

For Romanians, that particular word, "secure", is extra foreshadowing.

Our version of KGB was called Securitate (security). That's what literal oppression was called here.

So remember, the most "secure" election in US history...

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