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:drake_dislike: parallel parking
:drake_dislike: perpendicular parking
:drake_like: 4D hyperspace tesseract parking


Girls, don't be like this. Watch this to the very end, and take it as an example of what NOT to do.

Don't know much about India's caste system, but don't forget than in USA affirmative action is a thing.

No, it was some weird guy, with some kind of mask... or maybe helmet... barely got a look at him. But there were some kind of horns sticking out of his head mask.

Well, here's what you can do with a Kobo:
- read your own epubs, pdfs, and manga (the best way to send them to your device is via Calibre, to keep metadata)
- it can sync via, so you can tag articles for reading later
- it should have a minimalist web browser, but for me it hasn't been that useful.
- some models have dropbox support.

Also noteworthy is that Kobo devices are easy to patch and get custom software on them, like Koreader (which is much better for pdfs).
I recommend this forum if you ever want to go down the hack-it rabbit hole.

@lamp @thor
Yes, at the very least it should have an experimental browser.

Nice, a Kobo. Check the model, cause for some of them you can upgrade their storage (they use a regular microsd for storage).

Austria, a smaller word for a smaller country.
Australia, a bigger word for a bigger country.

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