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Second day since jab. My arm feels a lot better. Almost all soreness has went away. Which is great, since I've had trouble sleeping, partially because of it. Still no mutations.

In other news, depression hit hard today. I feel like curling in a ball and...

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Leaving jokes aside, my wolf name would actually be White Demon. Although I'd honestly prefer to use my first and middle names and make it White Hunter.

Over one full day since the jab. My arm's sore... quite a lot. Can't even raise it right. Still no noticeable inhuman mutations yet. I still have hope that the pain is a sign of my arm mutating into 2 arms.

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Awoo's fetishes just keep getting weirder and weirder... I see he's started posting squids now...

Well... I finally got the mRNA needle. No superhuman mutations yet.

Your last dream just turned into reality. How fucked are you right now?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.